New Borders for Boarders
Tackling International Obstacles
While we have all been affected by the coronavirus, boarding and international students have undoubtedly faced different struggles. Whether one is inherently scared of the virus or not, the restrictions of the pandemic have caused undeniable changes in plans and routines.
Coronavirus constraints have expectedly caused changes in the living situation within the dorms. Arriving students have to quarantine in their rooms for 15 days, eating all meals and doing online classes in their rooms. After this period, meals can be eaten downstairs, and contact with other boarders can be restored. In addition, masks must be worn at all times, with the exception of time spent in boarders’ rooms. At the moment, boarders cannot go into each others’ rooms.
A major change for the boarders has been the implementing of strict hygiene rules. While there was already an emphasis on this before the pandemic, there is new stress on tasks such as wiping down surface areas, taking out trash, cleaning floors, and changing sheets often.
While boarders cannot order food from off-campus sites, food preparation is healthier and safer now.
Bolles has also outlined a procedure in the event that a boarder tests positive for the coronavirus. If a boarder has symptoms, they quarantine in a certain room until their test comes back. If they are negative, they can go back to their room with their roommate and resume school. If they are positive, they would have to stay 15 days at a designated area near Bolles that the boarders call the “Covid house”, and participate in online classes.