The Landscape of Bolles: A Political Profile

Journey Wise, Contributing Writer

The Landscape of Bolles: A Political Profile

By: Journey Wise

With over fifty different political parties ranging from the Modern Whig Party to the United States Pirate Party, America represents a diverse array of people with varying beliefs. As a microcosm of the nation, how does the political landscape of Bolles compare? We will first hear about the Young Democrats club from Co-President, Julian Buchwalter.


The Young Democrats

From Co-President, Julian Buchwalter


Do you think Bolles is a politically aware high school?

I do believe Bolles is a very politically aware high school. Most people do have at least a little knowledge when it comes to politics. And of course there are many people who do not care at all for politics and many people who are very knowledgeable when it comes to political issues.


What do you think stops students from joining political clubs like Young Democrats?

Many people are timid to join a political club because of how controversial politics can be. They may not agree with all the policies and views of a singular party. Also of course some people just don’t care about politics. It is a great opportunity to join either one of these two clubs (or both), just to gain knowledge on the issues, if you do not know exactly which ideology you are most aligned with.


What are the main goals of the Young Democrats club?

The main goal of the Young Dems is to inspire our club members to become part of the new generation of Democratic political activists. We know that this is most definitely an overwhelmingly conservative school. We would like our club to inspire Dems to speak out and become involved in politics within our community. As democrats, we have the opportunity to be the minority voice in school. Most people will try to discredit our opinions and challenge our views. We welcome those challenges and will take them head on.


How does the club view the creation of the Group for Preserving America?

Although it is strange that the GPA split from the already prevalent Young Repubs Club, we encourage all political participation, no matter the disagreements we may have ideologically. Although, I am confused on who they think they are preserving America from. Anyways, I am certain that no faction will occur within our club because us Democrats strive to work together.


Do you have any top picks for the 2016 election?

Finally, I (and the club) respectfully decline to comment on the candidates for 2016. Until the Democratic candidate is announced, I am completely supportive of all Democratic candidates.