Man on the Street: What Electives do Students Want?
Many students at Bolles want to take a Money Management class.
January 25, 2016
Bolles offers students a wide range of classes, from AP Statistics to Marine Biology and Modern Latin American History. But beyond all these choices, there are some electives not offered that students may want to take.
As Bolles students anticipate their midterm exams, we decided to do a survey to see what classes students want to have at Bolles. Here’s what we found.
- Money Management
- Woodworking/Shop
- Film Studies
- Intro to Architecture
- AP World History
- Home Economics
- Fashion Design
- Video Game Design
Money Management was by far the most popular option, with many students making additional comments on why they want the class. Matthew Zember (‘17) wants “More money management type classes” and other classes “that have to do with finance”.
Classes such as Home Economics and Fashion Design were not as popular among those surveyed.
Some students mentioned that they did not vote for the Video Game Design class since Bolles already has a Video Game Creation Club. “I think that most people don’t want a video game design class because the club provides enough time to learn about the subject” said Jack Swinson (‘17).
While students currently have many classes to choose from, there are still some potential electives that many would like to take during their high school careers.