Salute to the Marine Band

On July 12, 2014, the Marine Band performed a Change of Command Concert conducted by retiring Director Col. Michael J. Colburn, former Director Col. Timothy W. Foley, and incoming Director Lt. Col. Jason K. Fettig. The Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James F. Amos officiated Col. Colburn’s retirement ceremony and was assisted by Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Micheal P. Barrett and Marine Band Drum Major Gunnery Sgt. Duane F. King. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Master Sgt. Kristin duBois/released)
December 14, 2016
In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band performed at UNF’s Lazzara Hall while on their 125th anniversary national tour. The band, founded in 1798 by Congress, played a free concert on Sunday, October 9th. The band played around 15 songs, in styles ranging from traditional marches to jazz medleys to John William’s “Flight to Neverland” from Hook.
The crowd was fairly large considering most of the city had evacuated for the storm.The auditorium was flooded with of people of all ages, and the sounds of chatter overlapping instruments warming up behind the large pulled curtains on the stage.
Many UNF music students attended the show, including Bolles Alumnus Dani Zentz (‘13), who was a clarinetist in the Bolles Band.
“It was awesome to hear the band that is arguably the best band in the country, and it was inspiring to see all of the talented musicians in the band who spend their lives traveling and performing around the world. All of the pieces they played on the program were very impressive and executed perfectly,” said Zentz, daughter of former Bolles band teacher and head of Fine Arts, Don Zentz.
“Also, my band director, Dr. Gordon Brock, conducted one of the marches, which was great for us to see as his students!”
Dr. Gordon Brock, the Director of Bands at UNF, was asked to conduct the piece “Commando March” by Samuel Barber.
“They don’t usually have guest conductors,” said Brock. “It was a real honor to be asked to do that.” Brock was able to conduct the march with no prior rehearsals with the band!
Originally, members of the Marine Band were going to sit in during a band rehearsal and play with the UNF students. But due to the hurricane, classes were cancelled and the band had to travel to the next stop on the tour.
Mrs. Maggie Vance, current Bolles band director, had suggested attending the event to the entire class, however due to the storm many students who had planned on going were unable to.
Being the dedicated band student I am, and extremely lucky Floridian who wasn’t forced to evacuate, I was able to attend the show. My family and I try to see the Marine Band whenever they perform in Jacksonville.
I made my dad sit with me in the front row so that I could watch the conductor up close. My favorite part of the music selection was the blend of classic marches and contemporary pieces. I was very impressed by the medley of jazz songs sung by GySgt Sara Sheffield.