Humans of Bolles: Gabriel Gomez Treig ’17


Bugle Staff

Hometown: Barcelona, Spain

Have you ever dreamed in English?

At the beginning, it was really hard to make the switch from talking with Spanish friends to talking with American friends. It’s hard to keep up with my Spanish friends. Time goes by, like a month, then you text and then you just keep talking for hours. They have to explain to you in text the whole month. I put national flags by the names in my Snapchat so I can see if I’m spending more time talking to Spanish friends or American friends. Sometimes when I’m at home, I’ll dream in English. It’s really weird. I’ll think to myself, I’m getting good at this. But every three or four months, I dream all my American friends know how to talk Spanish, in Catalan.

What’s one aspect of your culture or country you’d like Americans to know?

Bullfighting is becoming illegal. And I personally hate it. It’s such a dumb thing to do, to torture an animal. In Catalonia, it’s completely illegal.