New Club Process
Above: Mrs. Moyer-Shad and Ms. Jacobson instruct club presidents on how to use Schoology
Thanks to the new options available through Schoology, Mrs. Moyer-Shad has revamped the club chartering process, streamlining and standardizing it across all of the clubs on campus and focusing on having club presidents reflect on the purpose of their club.
Before this year, chartering a club involved a bit of paperwork- an application at the beginning of the year and semester reports. There were no set guidelines governing how the clubs managed themselves. This year, it’s more about governing and less about paperwork. “In addition to having mandated officer elections and a sponsor, clubs will now be required to have a constitution. Guidelines for that were provided by Moyer-Shad. “I think it’s good that clubs will already have set guidelines next year,” said Nikita Raheja (‘16), President of the Free and Equal Club. “I also like the fact that you can’t just appoint people [to office], they have to be elected.” Each club will also maintain a Schoology page, and it is recommended that the secretary or an IT representative of some sort update the page with minutes and meeting dates during or soon after the meeting occurs.
The Schoology page is perhaps the most important aspect to the new process. Because the information for each club will be available there, Moyer-Shad will be able to check in on clubs periodically, instead of requiring bi-annual semester reports. This way, she will easily be able to tell which clubs are fulfilling their meeting and fundraising requirements for the semester.
In short, that means that there will be no more paperwork involved in the club process. In addition, all current club presidents are required to attend a training session hosted in the Bent Center computer lab so that they can learn how to use Schoology effectively.
Though the new club process will be a lot of up-front work from the current club presidents, it will streamline and simplify the chartering process for next year’s clubs. In the spring, clubs that want to re-charter next year will simply need to write a letter of intent, and in the fall, the new presidents will simply have to maintain the existing Schoology page. “While it may be painful in the beginning, it will be amazing in the future,” said Moyer-Shad. To charter a club, the application, elections, and constitution must be completed before September 25, and the club must prepare a booth at Club Day on September 30. A list of all clubs can be found under “Groups” on Schoology. For more information, or if you want to start a club, visit Mrs. Moyer-Shad in BC208.