From Black Friday to Cyber Monday
What are the holiday shopping habits of the Bolles community and why?
Black Friday has often been criticized for being far too extreme and dangerous.
November 23, 2015
November 27, otherwise known as Black Friday, is usually considered either exciting or dreadful. For those who shop, they can get the full rush of adrenaline and excitement as they wait in lines all night and push and shove for the top items. Some though, do not like Black Friday. They think that it is a waste of time and it makes the traffic too bad.
Arely Osorio is an employee of the FLIK food service program. She said “I haven’t gone Black Friday shopping”. However, given the choice between the three options, she would like to go Black Friday shopping. The only thing standing in her way is that she does not have much opportunity to shop, and she has to stay home instead.
Jordan Jackson, a student, said that he does go Black Friday shopping and even prefers it to Cyber Monday shopping. “It’s kind of fun for me to be able to shop after Thanksgiving”, the senior said.
Sasha Leigh had a contrasting opinion, saying, “I prefer Cyber Monday. I like the comfort of my home and I like receiving the packages in the mail.”
TJ Friedlin, an employee at the campus bookstore agreed with Sasha. The reason she gave for preferring Cyber Monday was that that there were “no crowds or fighting”. She also said that the time was better spent being with her family rather than at the mall.
Shelley Sessions, a resident of Orlando, said the mall is “an absolute nightmare”. She said that other places are not bad at all. She does prefer Black Friday over Cyber Monday though.
Sessions’ husband, Andrew, said that he liked to stay inside and watch football on Black Friday, rather than go out to shop.
There are many opinions on what day is best to shop, or to not shop at all, but the reason most people say they would go Black Friday shopping has to do with the feeling of excitement that comes along with buying a new item, or the adrenaline that comes when you push and shove to get to that item first. Those who prefer to stay home, or shop online do so because they want the comfort of their own home.