Oftentimes, people will say “the worst they could say is ‘No’” when asking someone out or to be your valentine. Anyone that has been rejected knows that this is the furthest statement from the truth. Candy hearts will always do their best to ensure success. Each and every candy heart goes under the needle to ensure the smallest chances of rejection. The clever messages are crafted by skilled professionals that specialize in non-rejection. So, if you were on the fence about asking that special someone to be your valentine, just know that just like the candy hearts, the most you can do is present yourself accordingly and hope for the best. Just make sure to also give them candy hearts to win them over as well this Valentine’s Day!
Candy Heart’s Valentines
About the Contributor

Ty Neal, Co-Coffeehouse Editor
Tyrone Neal is a senior and second-year staffer. He is a passionate trumpet and football player and strives to improve as a writer in Bugle this year. Ty hopes to study law and is proud that he is not afraid to speak his mind. Ty wants his readers to know to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.