Humans of Bolles: Mr. Mulvey


Andrew Culver, Contributing Writer

Humans of Bolles: Mr. Mulvey’s Summer Experience Studying 9/11 in NYC

To prepare for his upcoming class on 9/11 in the Spring semester, English teacher Mr. Mulvey traveled to New York for a week this past Summer to attend a Gilder-Lehrman seminar on the 9/11 attacks. Through this unique experience, Mr. Mulvey gained some detailed and unique insights into the 9/11 attacks that he plans to apply to the class.

During his week in NYC, Mr. Mulvey had the opportunity to explore the entire expanse of the 9/11 museum, getting to see exhibits that detailed the attacks minute-by-minute. Mr. Mulvey also sat in on talks given by a variety of speakers. “We talked about the process of making a memorial, and memorializing a historical event like 9/11,” said Mr. Mulvey. “We also had a speaker talk to us about the nature of radical Islam.”

Mr. Mulvey also explained to the Bolles Bugle the three main questions he plans to address in his class: What happened on 9/11, why did it happen, and what does it mean? The seminar helped Mr. Mulvey develop a strong factual foundation for his class. “The amount of information we had access to at the museum in preparation for the course was just incredible. The seminar helped me design and better understand what I wanted to do with the course.”

Mr. Mulvey is especially excited to teach a generation of students who have no real memory of the 9/11 attacks. “I feel very fortunate to have this experience with kids, and have them ask that question, and to really think about how that event has changed America.” Overall, the 9/11 course is shaping up to be a great option for students looking to take a semester long course this Spring.