Journey of College Bound Athletes

December 14, 2016
Signing to play a collegiate sport can be both exciting and a relief. When Assistant Athletic Director Kelly Stevenson signed to play basketball at Jacksonville University (and later the University of Florida), she remembers her signing day as “one of the best days of my life because I knew I was able to receive a free education as I played the sport I love”.
The Bugle spoke to the athletes around campus understand what is like to be a committed athlete. The following students are Riley Coonan (‘17) who is committed to Wofford College for Volleyball, Gray King (‘17) who is committed to Stevenson University for Lacrosse, and Cami Dade (‘18) who is committed to the University of Kentucky for Soccer.
When did you start playing your sport?
Riley: I played a lot of different sports when I was younger, but when I started volleyball when I was 11, it immediately became my favorite sport.
Gray: I started officially playing when I was in third grade, but my brothers had me throwing with them as early as 3 years old.
Cami: I started playing when I was three, but I have always been around the game because my dad was a pro soccer player.
Do you genuinely love the Game?
Riley: It is my favorite part of the day because I get to play alongside some of my best friends, and experience things with them that no one else would really understand. You make a special team with your bond and they are who make you the player you are.
Gray: Of course I love the sport. The amount of time and effort I put into it, I better love it. It sounds corny, but it really does provide an escape from the real world and helps relieve so much stress.
Cami: I do love soccer, although sometimes it gets stressful and time consuming.
How do you feel when you play?
Riley: When I am on the court playing volleyball, it is like an escape for me. All of the problems that I have during the day go away, and I am solely focused on winning the game or getting better at practice.
Gray: I feel very calm. It is almost as if the game slows down and when I have the ball that is when everything is the slowest because I know when I have the ball, I control the movement of everyone else on the field.
Cami: When I play I feel calm, but at the same time I am able to get all of my anger and built up steam out.
Do you ever get nervous when you play?
Riley: Haha yes! I guess I get really nervous about fear of disappointing myself. Sometimes I take a nervous pee before the game.
Gray: Only that I might disappoint my teammates and not perform to the level that I know I can play at.
Cami: If it’s a good team and a big game. Like at States I was so nervous, but the second we started playing I got over that fear.
When Did you commit/where are you committed?
Riley: I committed to Wofford College in March of my Junior year.
Gray: I committed July 25th to Stevenson University in Baltimore, Maryland.
Cami: I committed this past summer to the University of Kentucky.
How does it feel the school year to know where you will be attending college?
Riley: I feel very relieved to already know where I am going this year. It not only takes off the stress of applying to schools and worrying about school work, but also makes me more excited for college. After every game I just get so excited to think that next year I will be able to continue representing my school, this time at a collegiate level. am so thankful for the opportunity to play at the next level and am grateful for my Bolles coaches and teammates who have molded me into the player I am.
Gray: It is very relieving. Playing lacrosse in Florida, you don’t get many looks from colleges. But I was able to travel up north enough to get Colleges to look at me. It was not easy, I have spent the past 6 years playing year around and traveling all over the country for lacrosse. But the hard work paid off and I could not be happier with my decision.
Cami: During the school year I feel stressed and concerned about grades but at the same time relieved that I have my school and know where I am going.