Throwback Thursday: Ricochets From the Rifle Range

Ben Greenhut, Contributing Writer

Did you know that the Bolles Bugle was created as the Bolles Bulletin in 1934, in the years when the school was still a military academy? The earliest Bolles news papers provide an understanding of what life was like at Bolles 79 years ago.

The article that has been selected for this issues’ Throw Back Thursday is a report on a Bolles athletic team;  Not the football team, not the baseball team, but the rifle team. The article, titled “Ricochets From the Rifle Range”, was an update on the Bolles rifle teams’s progress in recent matches.

It is so ironic how much things have changed in regards to how guns and schools go together. We went from a private academy having a rifle team to living in a time where schools live in fear of firearms in their own student’s hands.