Concert Ticket Prices Throughout the Years

A comparison of the ticket prices of three artists visiting Jacksonville: Rihanna, Adele, and Justin Bieber
March 14, 2016
Throughout the years, ticket prices have steadily risen, especially in the pop genre. As shown by this infograph, ticket prices are now exponentially high, especially compared to the previous costs of concert tickets. Kennedy McKinney (19), said “I’ve only been to one artist two different times and that was One Direction. I was in the middle and it cost around $200. It was definitely worth it, I cried.”
Ananta Arora (17), said “ I think the most expensive concert I’ve ever been to was the floor seats at Nicki Minaj. They were a couple hundred each.”
In 1964, a Beatles concert cost just two to four dollars. Now, musicians such as Justin Bieber are charging a minimum of fifty dollars, to sit in the very back.
Of course factors such as inflation must also be accounted for, but even including inflation, it was only 30 dollars and fifty seven cents to sit in the very front at a Beatles concert. How does that compare to sitting in the front at a Bieber concert ? It’s approximately forty one times more than it would have cost to see a headliner in 1964.