(No) Homecoming Dance


Kennedy McKinney, Contributing Writer

Homecoming Dance CANCELLED

The Homecoming dance is the only dance that is opened up to all grade levels. It is casual and just a time to hang out with your old friends and hopefully make new ones. However, this year, due to low ticket sales, the dance will not take place.

Last year, Bolles hopped on the Homecoming Dance bandwagon and this year was going to be our second annual Homecoming Dance. Come one, come all for the dance where memories will be created that would last a lifetime. Sounds fun right? Well too bad it got CANCELLED before it could even become a good ol’ Bolles tradition.

I spoke with Ms. Marees, one of the homecoming dance advisors, to ask why she thought the dance got cancelled. “Many students wanted the dance to be on Friday because they didn’t want to have to come back to school on Saturday, I think we should do a student poll in the future about the preferred day. I think the main reason it got cancelled was because of the hurricane, this threw everyone off”.  

One side of the student body was upset because they had been looking forward to the dance/ or already bought tickets. “Wait what the dance is cancelled? But I love dances, that’s so sad!” was Ann Maris Walton’s (11) reaction when she heard the news.

On the contrary, many students, like Olivia Harris (10) said that she “really didn’t care about the dance being cancelled because it was lame last year”.

Last year’s dance got bad reviews. Some people didn’t like the music, “I didn’t like the music, it was all dub”, said Caleb Clark (10). Other complaints were that it’s too casual, they didn’t like the lockdown and cleanup, the theme was boring, and that it was hard to “let loose” with your teachers looking at you.

What people don’t realize is that the Homecoming Dance Committee heard these complaints and put reforms in place to fix these problems to make this year better. They had the boarders come up with a song list, this ensured a wide-range of music, they asked students what they thought about various themes and ultimately went with Bolles Madness, which got the most praise. Lastly, to reduce the stress of what to wear to the dance they established a dress code: you could wear any of the themed outfits from the dress down week.

Personally I think that the lack of ticket sales derived from the fact that negative students said some bad things about the dance, and other students got the vibe that if they went they might be ridiculed or be as lame as the dance was. My reason for this is because a freshman, who did not go to last years dance, said that she wasn’t going to go due to things she heard. Gossip has a lot of influence on students and I believe that is what led to the low sales.

Coach Newman said that the reason they needed a minimum of 200 sales was to cover the costs of the dance floor and entertainment.

Hopefully next year Bolles will allow us to have another shot at a Homecoming Dance, it’s a tradition we ought to have to make our High School years complete.