Seniors at The Bolles School believe that voting is important because it gives the people of America a voice and a say in governing decisions. The Bugle surveyed seniors anonymously about their thoughts on the election and received 35 responses. Of those, 12 were able to vote and all made it to the polls to cast their ballot.
Some seniors noted that voting is important mainly because they believe it is their civic duty. “It is our responsibility as American citizens to vote, not just a right,” one said. “In my opinion,” said another, “voting is a practice of giving back to your community. A lot of people I talk to say that they won’t or don’t vote because their vote doesn’t matter; but, at the end of the day, all of our votes are important to perform our civic duty and choose the candidate that will be best for this country.”
Making the commitment to voting is an act of optimism that “provides hope for my future and the democracy of our country,” said a senior. And this act is critical for young people who very often neglect to participate in our democracy. “The youngest demographic has historically always had the lowest voting turnout and I am trying to be part of the solution, not grow the problem.”
Bolles seniors recognize that one voter cannot sway an election. “Voting is important not because it influences the outcome, but because it should force you to be up-to-date and informed about the current political sphere,” one said.
They also note that votes may matter more in a region like Duval county, which is not predictably “red” or “blue.” “It’s important to vote because some people think their votes do not matter but they do,” said a senior. “I think in Duval specifically it is very split in the middle so it’s important to vote.”
Other countries, like Mexico, Argentina, and Australia require citizens to vote or they will be fined. In the U.S., voting is not mandatory. As a result, many Americans will not vote and thus will not have a say. They allow other voters and the government to make decisions for them.
“It is important for the younger generations to take action and get involved in politics since we are greatly affected by the decisions made,” mentioned a senior. Many laws in government are passed that cater towards the older generation in America because those are the people that are primarily making the laws along with voting in the elections. The younger generation is affected by these policies so it is important that they vote.
Another senior acknowledged, “Voting determines the future of our country. As the next generation of leaders, it is imperative that we are involved in this election and pay attention to the implementation of the policies of the candidates because their policies will impact our daily lives.” Along with impacting our daily lives, the policies implemented by our government will likely affect the state of America years from now. Voting also keeps the general public informed on what is happening in the world and it is important for the country to have an informed public.
Having a voice in government is a privilege that the American public is able to partake in. However, according to, approximately 63.7% of voters voted in this most recent election, which is down 3.1% from 2020.
Nevertheless, the Bolles community seems to be taking voting seriously. Generally, the voters of Bolles believe that voting can help raise awareness to issues that may seem frivolous and can even be a form of giving back to the community.