New Library Book Service

Suggest one book, get another back

A new offering has been created for customers of the Jacksonville library. An individual submits a few authors, and/or books and then receives a personalized list of suggested books based off of the books you sent. Just go online and fill out a short questionnaire.

Fill this questionnaire out answering simple questions such as what type of protagonists you prefer, female or male and other questions.

After you fill out the form the website states that after 3-5 days it will send you back a list of books, for me it took 7-8 days. When one of my sources, Nancy Hanna, got hers back she read about 15% of the book and so far she enjoyed it a lot.

She entered one title and four authors and she got back 8 books. She had already read three of them which must mean that it is a pretty accurate system to get books that the reader would enjoy. She picked one of them and enjoyed all she read so far and she plans to continue reading that book as well as the other recommendations she received.

She loved the main characters and finds the story very entertaining. She said, “When I finish this one will definitely take a look at the other four recommendations since I am so happy with the one I am reading. Overall, it was a five-star experience.”