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The Bolles Bugle

The Bolles Bugle

The Bolles Bugle

Katie Hecht, Contributing Writer

A senior and first year staffer, Katie Hecht is best known for her contagious laugh and well-written articles. Witty, fun-loving, and compassionate, she is always a woman on a mission.

All content by Katie Hecht

Off to the Races!

Ann Maris Walton, PR Editor
March 2, 2017

LAX is Back

Ann Maris Walton, PR Editor
February 27, 2017
Gigi de Hechavarria ('17) and Amann Doolabh (18) chaired Grandparent Day.

[Photo] Grandparents and Gold Medals

Kiera Geraghty, Editor-in-Chief
November 22, 2016
The Whitehurst Little Mermaids

The Whitehurst Little Mermaids

Ann Maris Walton, Public Relations Editor
September 22, 2016

March Madness

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
May 11, 2016
A small sample of the army of remedies housed in the Nurse's Office.

Bolles Index: The Nurse’s Office

Katie Hecht, Contributing Writer
April 11, 2016
Morning weights have been added to prepare the team for a tough season.

Boys Crew Season Kicks Off

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
March 16, 2016
Chef Bunly

Soup’s On

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
March 8, 2016
Alex Pippins ('16) started lifeguarding in the summer of 2014.

The Secret Life of Life Guards

Katie Hecht, Contributing Writer
March 1, 2016
Instead of an empty school during Winter Break, students could attend a voluntary Winter Term.

Minimester: A Winter Term at Bolles?

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
January 25, 2016
Nisha gives a smile as she  works the register.

Humans of Bolles – Nisha

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
December 13, 2015

Athlete of the Month

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
November 20, 2015
Humans of Bolles - Sai Kancha

Humans of Bolles – Sai Kancha

Ann Maris Walton, Contributing Writer
November 10, 2015

The Glamorization of Tragedy

Katie Hecht, Contributing Writer
November 8, 2015
One of the many staircases that pose a challenge to any potential disabled student body member.

Disability Access at Bolles

Katie Hecht, Contributing Writer
October 20, 2015
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