Donald Trump: Why the Obsession?
More stories from Claire Cywes

Politician and businessman Donald Trump is currently leading the polls despite his controversial methods for conveying his ideas. Many people believe that this quality makes him a good candidate to run the United States. Others, however, find it appalling that Americans would even consider voting for him. When asked if they would vote for Trump, many were shocked that the question would come up, as it seemed obvious to them that Donald Trump is not the man to protect and provide for our country.
Forrest Andrews, a junior, said, “I think he pretty much says and does what he wants and doesn’t conform to the average political person’s ideals.” Andrews feeling about Trump may stem from his perception that Trump isn’t swayed by others’ opinions of him.answered, “He pretty much just speaks out on whatever topic he addresses and doesn’t care what people think.”
For some students, Trump’s outspoken-ness is a strong point. Priscilla Pacella, a freshman, said that he should “censor” what he says but she also stated that she thought Trump said what others were too afraid to say. Pacella believes that he will “get things done for our country.”

Donald Trump has been the subject of much controversy in the political arena.
Another appeal of Trump for our student body is his business-world roots. When asked if she would rather have a businessman over a politician for president, Pacellareplied with, “Ya! Any day! He wants to make America great again. That’s what his hat says.”
Faculty members, whether they approve of Trump or not, recognize his media appeal. Andrew Dickson, English teacher, said “Trump has always made himself visible and prominent, and he always makes himself stand for something. What he stands for first is Donald Trump.”
Although Mr. Dickson does not watch the news, he knows that Trump is doing “startlingly well among prospective, primary Republican voters.”
When asked why he thinks people are obsessed with Donald Trump, Mr. Dickson said, “I think because A, he’s spectacular in that he is a walking spectacle. B, because the media is obsessed with him because of his spectacular qualities. C, he is giving voice to thoughts that most voters would not say out loud.”
Some students perceive Trump as being inexperienced or unaware of the wide range of voters he must appeal to to be elected. Ke’yana Walker, a senior, said “I think that he doesn’t understand the political process in the United States, that you cannot exclude the minorities, especially the Hispanics.” Walker also said that his goals are not realistic and too extreme.
One common thread all interviewees agreed on was that Trump’s compels fascination because, love him or hate him, he is consistently outspoken about his values and emotions. Walker said “People like him because he blatantly gives out his feelings and beliefs, so it’s not like he is holding back.”